Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hey again!

Its been so long since I have posted but, I have no idea where the time has gone. We found out recently we are blessed with a little girl so heres to five whole months of pregnancy! (Now only four more months of sleepless nights) Thinking on having a son was so easy, I have a few brothers so it wasnt a big deal. Race cars, check. Legos, check. Forts and campouts, check. Boys need to be taught to be emotionally secure, too many I believe are taught to be tough, a mans man. There is no problem with that except for when people teach boys to be manly they forget to let the little ones know emotions are okay. I have seen it affect little boys' confidence and they grow into angry young men. My son isnt perfect, he did come from me. Im only human and so is he but I do my very best to make sure he has a good life. I will do this for my little girl too of course but......
 There are many factors to being a mother to a daughter though. I wonder on how I will reflect to her. Will she see who I am and want to emulate me? Will she detest me? I know these seem like harsh thoughts ( I doubt she will detest me) but,  it seems to be a woman in our time means so many things to so many people. To some the more money she makes the more of an independent woman she will be, to others what kind of mother and wife she is will be  most important. In short being a lady is hard. We are expected to be sexy, smart, thirfty, ambitious, nuturing, strong, soft, there are just so many contradictions when it comes to being a lady. It can be hard to find a balance. I was one of the very lucky ones to find a man that is as understanding and as loving as my husband is to me. I have always known who I was which is a blessing in itself but for someone else to see it thats just awesome. I guess the simplest way to say what I feel on such things is that I hope she is happy with who we are as her family and as people, I hope that I can present myself in a way that would lead her to healthy decisions in her own life, and lastly most importantly I hope and pray that she will love and accept herself. My little boy has taught me so many lessons on life already, I really am excited on what this little lady will show me.

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