Friday, February 3, 2012

And It Was Good

             Being a mother and a wife isn't always easy. I can't really paint this perfect picture for people because it is and isn't true. I love my family so. But like everyone else we have our ups and downs. My family is my husband, son, and as of three days ago a soon to be addition.
       We are a "recycled" family but, we are that in every good way. My husband and I have both been married before. My little boy is from my previous marriage. When we met again it way amazing  everything clicked, now sometime later we are a happy loving family.
              My son is something I never thought I would have. Literally, I didnt think I would ever have any children. He is the most interesting thing in my life. He is curious and creative, bold and never tiring. Most of all he is loving. He has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever seen. He is in love with Star Wars and Indianna Jones. The comics in the title is about my husband who is an avid reader of thor and of many other comic creations. I love to cook and bake and anything really kitchen related. So just for starters I guess welcome to my little view of this world.  Well thats all I have for you for now. Toodles!